Homework and Preparation for Vocalization


 Prepare your Anatomy:

  1. Color and study in the Anatomy Coloring Book:  44, 45 46, 22, 23 24. 84-88, 130 ( some review), 137, peruse Netter and the 3D online atlas of your choice!

  2. Look for details for the action of each muscle in the larynx separately....

  3. WATCH: Go to Youtube list for Jaw.

  4. Bring ONE song to sing with the group!

  5. Four of you: PREPARE a 30 min class

  6. Stay connected with your folks!

  7. More Science Articles:

  8. Literature List:

through all this - follow your curiosity, make your own way, add in things that interest you........

Countdown to Graduation Checklist

  • Requirements: partnering labs, inquiries, reports, etc

  • Bring completed Coloring Book to November training

  • Send intent of graduation: email somticbodytraining@gmail.com whether you intend to have all the requirements completed by graduation day

  • Talk to colleagues about finalizing your project theme/concept

  • Fill out Final project form

  • Get on a committee: Graduation or Northampton SBT Day in July

  • Keep getting sessions!