Homework and Preparation for Senses and Perception
Prepare your Anatomy:
Watch these youtube videos: OVERVIEW, all senses - playlist
Cochlea, Open Text book: SENSES, Cochlear FLASHcards, Article on Smell in the Body
Review and color the Anatomy coloring book pages for Senses: (90-99); Skin (16, 90); Vestibular (97+98); Vision (94-96)
Create a Model/ art/music choice/ poem that expresses an aspect of Senses and Perception
Research : Taste, Smell , Hearing , Sight
Read Sensing, Feeling and Action p.63 Sensing Feeling and Action, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Explore your senses either in dance or in a regular practice you do: dish washing, yoga, hiking, biking, etc.
Stay connected with your folks!
through all this - follow your curiosity, make your own way, add in things that interest you........
Special Books for this unit:
You can order these for a few dollars online at ALIBRIS.COM
The senses of man, Joan Steen Wilentz, 1968
A Natural History of the Senses, by Diane Ackerman, any year - 1991 is fine
The first is intriguing wide range of info written like a story, the latter is more focused on neurological info on the senses.
As we move into