Somatic BODY
Requirements Moscow 2024 Neuroglial-Manual-SomaticBODY-Russian 2024 МОСКВА-модуль-НЕЙРОГЛИЯ-Russian 2024 Moscow-Neuro Glial Homework English 2024 Neuroglial-Manual-SomaticBODY-English 2024 Москва Кости - Модуль 2 - SBT 2024 Москва-Вокализация-Шея-Челюсть-Домашняя подготовка 2024 Vocalization Jaw Neck Homework 2024 On Giving Sessions 2024 Endocrine-Manual-SomaticBODY - russian 2024 Endocrine-Manual-SomaticBODY 2024 Москва-Эндокринная сист-онлайн модуль 2024 Endocrine Homework Assignments Moscow 2024 Москва-ОНЛАЙН_модуль-ЖИДКОСТИ 2024 Moscow Fluid Homework 2024 Москва-ОНЛАЙН_модуль-ОРГАНЫ-ЧУВСТВ-И-ВОСПРИЯТИЕ 2024 Online MOSCOW Senses Module - English 2024 МАТЕРИАЛЫ к модулю Органы Чувств и восприятие МОСКВА - Русский 2024 Senses-Manual-SomaticBODY 2024 Москва-Ощущения&Восприятие-2024 Senses & Perceptions Homework Assignments 2024 Москва Мышцы & Контралатеральный паттерн 2024 Moscow Muscles & Contralateral Homework 2024 Москва Тенсегрити, Связки & Фасции 2024 Москва Органы - Модуль 3 SBT 2024 Organs Homework Assignments SBT 2024 Moscow Bones Homework SBT 2024 Москва Кости - Модуль 2 - SBT 2024 MOSCOW Embryo, Prevertebral 2024 МОСКВА Эмбрио, Допозвоночный 2024
Somatic BODY
Christine Cole - Embodiment Training

9 day Meditation and Performance - Cambodia! 

Feb 27 - March 7 2025 Angkor Wat

Artem Markov and Christine Cole bring their combined love for inspired creation, the disciplines of meditation, dance and Somatics to this project to go deeper into mystical aslects of our embodied being. 

We want to bring you to the edge of inspired creation.



Artem Markov & Christine Cole

Invite you to a 9 day Event of Meditation and Performance in the Jungle Ruins of Cambodia! 

Feb 27 - March 7, 2025 arrive 26th


Angkor Wat

Artem Markov and Christine Cole bring their combined love for inspired creation, the disciplines of meditation, dance and Somatics to this project - We will guide you into this experience to go deeper into mystical aslects of our embodied being. 

We will guide you in  contemplative practices, movement meditations, somatics,authentic movment,   and performance techniques. We will create a path of discipline and art, supporting the groups ability to create authentic rituals in respect with eachother and in this unique place. 

Expand your awareness into and beyond your body., beyond space, beyond time; Become inspired by the unknown, inspired by the practice in this special place and inspired by the unknown.

What can we experience by tuning in with discipline and inspiration?


🔴 Why Cambodia?

The Angkor Valley in Cambodia is overgrown with jungle, and in the 9th-15th centuries, one of the most developed pre-industrial civilizations in the world was here. Then suddenly it was abandoned; which is still a mystery. Here we have a huge area of overgrownabandoned temples in the jungle. Buddhist, Hindu and Kmer temples, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Huge banyan trees grow through the stone roofs of buildings. This is an amazing sight, nature has been is reclaiming the land.

Dynasties changed, capitals changed. Shrines-tombs-capitals are scattered around Angkor.

Dancing apsaras are carved on the walls. But the temples are empty. Rituals are no longer held in them. This civilization no longer exists. The spirit of transience hovers here, not eternity, but also the spirit of something greater.

This unique place vibrates with history, but is no longer used as a temple complex. This gives us a chance to begin anew: dance, move and be present in these places and contribute to the re- discovery. 

We invite you to co-create an amazing journey of inspired art and dance in the jungles of Cambodia!


The Project - Schedule



In the morning sessions we practice:

🟣 Morning meditations

🟣 Movement/ dance

🟣 Performative techniques of working with attention

🟣 Authentic movement and other contemplative  movement practices

We will spend the morning in the park, in practice. 

We will leave  early, at 5:00 am and ride to various places in the park by tuk-tuk. The morning session lasts until 10 am; we then return to the hotel to avoid the afternoon heat. 


In the evening we will go to a beautiful movement space, walking distance from the hotel, with magnificent wooden floors and views of a  tropical garden.

🟣 Somatic Practices

🟣 Dance;

🟣 Contact improvisation;

🟣 Disco.

In the evening sessions we will study somatics, dance and practice contact improvisation. We also can discuss, the experience of our morning practice andplan and prepare elements to introduce the next days. 


Between the morning and evening sessions there are 5-6hours of personal time to rest or fill as you wish. The rooms have air conditioning to get through the heat of the day and theere is a small pool.

Christine Cole

displays a radical trust in embodied experience as the primary way for groups to co-create knowledge.  She has taught at the school for Body-Mind Centering®, and runs her own trainings worldwide, currently in Russia, USA, Thailand, China and Israel. Christine has long term practices in contact improvisation, post-modern and improvisational dance, authentic movement, improvisational theater, writing, and voice.

SomaticBODY exists to re-ignite the amazing truth of the body, how we become the embryological and evolutionary beings we are. Radical trust in embodied experience is the primary way for groups to co-create knowledge.

Artem Markov

Artem has been involved in contemporary dance since 2002, in body-oriented practices since 2006, and has been teaching Contact Improvisation since 2008.

Has education in two somatic universities: Integrative bodywork and movement therapy IBMT and Somatic Body Training (SBT).

He teaches in the American International Professional Somatic Program SBT and also conducts his own somatic courses.

Sign up!



Thru Dec 15


Before Feb 1


Final Price


$250 for Food and Hotel per person


  • 9 days of training

  • Tuk Tuk Rickshaw transportation to Angkor Wat sites  and back with the group.

  • One half day tour of Angkor Wat 


  • Travel  to Cambodia Siam Reap and back

  • Visas

  • Entrance fee to Angkor National Park ($72) ( must be purchased on Feb 28th or earlier) 


we request you pay in installments: 50% now - 50% Dec 15th

Plus $250 for Hotel/ meals Dec 15th also

For QUestions and inquiries

  • after registering use the whatsApp group

  • now contact Artem or christine

THis $250 price includes

  • one bed in a 2 bed room for 9 nights! (arrival Feb 28)

  • 2 meals and morning fruit and snack (this starts at dinner on March 1 and completes at breakfast March 9)

this is a great price for a hotel in Siam - Artem stayed here last year and really enjoyed the hosts and the rooms. We are requiring everyone to stay in this hotel - so our 5am departures, evening events and such are possible - also we believe that living close allows the unconcious learning to evolve as a group. We look forward to the creativity that will evolve.

you are required to arrive the evening of the evening of the 26th of Feb to purchase park tickets the day before the Journey. there are a few rooms with Queen beds, which we will assign to couples on request, If you require a single room, you can add $100 and we will reserve on for you.

For QUestions and inquiries

  • after registering use the whatsApp group

  • now contact Artem or christine


 join us!