Preparation for Tensegrity- Ligaments, Connective Tissue :

 Prepare your Anatomy:

  1. Watch these  youtube videos: HERE

  2.   (Choose other sources that you like and let us all know what you have found!)

  3. Review the sections covering these bones and joints in the Anatomy Coloring Book and focus on ligaments: 5, 17, 20-23, 25-27, 29-32 ,35-40 (if you prefer to make models or free hand draw all this instead of coloring - please do!) 

  4. Create a Ligament Model: demonstrate suspension, tensegritous structure,texture and resilience of ligamentous material, layering bone ligament muscle connective tissue, integration, snug, close support, energetic, electric, vibrational tone of ligs, fluidity of connective tissue, the resilience and bite of cartilage

  5.  Read this article: The Nature of Tendons and Ligaments

  6. Explore your ligaments  - either in dance or in a regular practice you do: dish washing, yoga, washing a baby, hiking, biking, etc.  

  7. Stay connected with your folks!

through all this - follow your curiosity, make your own way, add in things that interest you........


Our somatic understanding of fascia is ahead of the medical world and we are allies  to professionals that are now researching these concepts.

Here are some interesting articles, videos and that relate to our studies on ligaments : tensegrity, fascia and connection. 

If you can read some soon - it  will integrate easily into your Somatic Understanding

listening and making notes  to  Brooke Thomas' Liberated Body podcast - back from the BIOTENSEGRITY CONFERENCE , Fascia Conferences


Fascia is directly enervated by neurons and affect  interoception (sense your body from inside) and proprioception - w/out a sense of the fascia people have more eating disorders, depression, schizophrenia/ low proprioception    Fascia regulates  movement speed and timing




Stephen M. Levin Danièle-Claude Martin

"Fascia is the fabric of the body; not the vestments, covering the corpus, but the warp and weft of the material. The other tissues, muscle and bone, liver and lung, gut and urinary, brain and endocrine, are embroidered into the fascia fabric".

Dr. Levin's Biotensegrity YouTube channel

Graham Scarr's Tensegrity in Biology website  - More COOL info

Tom Flemons' Intension Designs website - Great Models of Tensegrity below!


cool video  - Tensegritous Spine model in movement

Build your OWN!

Karl Loganson build a structure

Below is a play area for our further team work and play! you can also add images and links...soon!

Great video of the LIVER ligaments !


  1. Investigate last months theme: Organs and Homologous, take any one piece of information and play with it further: dance, teach, have a conversation, watch children move - Make a record of this: Photos, notes, video, comments, drawings, audio of your voice....Share this experience with one of your colleagues CALL THEM or VIDEO MEET. take additional notes - Send or bring report to Somatic Body Faculty.. post some part of it online for the group.

  2. Partnering Lab: You will spend ONE hour receiving as well as ONE hour offering attention and support or investigation of your ideas on Organ with a colleague: This may be a bodywork session, a movement exploration with may include verbal or artistic expression.

Required Books:

  • Anatomy Coloring Book, Wynn Kapit, Lawrence M Elson, PH.D, 2013 ed.

  • Atlas of the Human Body, Frank Netter, 2006 ed. or later

  • Your favorite Anatomy Kinesiology reference


Highly recommended: 

  • Trail Guide to the Body and Workbook, Andrew Biel

  • Anatomy of Movement, Blandine Calais-Germain

  • Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Tortora, 2011 is fine

  • Sensing Feeling and Action, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, 2012, 3rd ed. - purchase from Contact Quarterly (has many changes to first edition)