Homework and Preparation for Endocrine/Chakras


 Prepare your Anatomy:

  1. Watch these  youtube videos: go to this playlist

  2. Review and color the coloring book for Endocrine: pages 149-154, ALSO  read up online or in BIOLOGY or physiology books everything you want to know about the endocrine system! It is fascinating! 

  3. Create a Model/ art/music choice/ poem that expresses an aspect of Endocrine:

  4.  Read Sensing, Feeling and Action p.54 The Neuro-Endocrine System

  5. Explore videos, and bring the glands to life in your body either in dance or in a regular practice you do: dish washing, yoga, washing a baby, hiking, biking, etc.  

  6. Stay connected with your folks!


through all this - follow your curiosity, make your own way, add in things that interest you........