Somatic BODY
Requirements Moscow 2024 Neuroglial-Manual-SomaticBODY-Russian 2024 МОСКВА-модуль-НЕЙРОГЛИЯ-Russian 2024 Moscow-Neuro Glial Homework English 2024 Neuroglial-Manual-SomaticBODY-English 2024 Москва Кости - Модуль 2 - SBT 2024 Москва-Вокализация-Шея-Челюсть-Домашняя подготовка 2024 Vocalization Jaw Neck Homework 2024 On Giving Sessions 2024 Endocrine-Manual-SomaticBODY - russian 2024 Endocrine-Manual-SomaticBODY 2024 Москва-Эндокринная сист-онлайн модуль 2024 Endocrine Homework Assignments Moscow 2024 Москва-ОНЛАЙН_модуль-ЖИДКОСТИ 2024 Moscow Fluid Homework 2024 Москва-ОНЛАЙН_модуль-ОРГАНЫ-ЧУВСТВ-И-ВОСПРИЯТИЕ 2024 Online MOSCOW Senses Module - English 2024 МАТЕРИАЛЫ к модулю Органы Чувств и восприятие МОСКВА - Русский 2024 Senses-Manual-SomaticBODY 2024 Москва-Ощущения&Восприятие-2024 Senses & Perceptions Homework Assignments 2024 Москва Мышцы & Контралатеральный паттерн 2024 Moscow Muscles & Contralateral Homework 2024 Москва Тенсегрити, Связки & Фасции 2024 Москва Органы - Модуль 3 SBT 2024 Organs Homework Assignments SBT 2024 Moscow Bones Homework SBT 2024 Москва Кости - Модуль 2 - SBT 2024 MOSCOW Embryo, Prevertebral 2024 МОСКВА Эмбрио, Допозвоночный 2024
Somatic BODY
Christine Cole - Embodiment Training

ONE YEAR program w/ Christine Cole

Somatic CI Collective Amsterdam

- ONE YEAR program w/ Christine Cole

NOV 2024 - SEPT 2025

AMsterdam program (Facebook Post).jpg

 SomaticBODY presents a NEW program

Contact Improvisation Collective

One year Program: Somatics and Contact Improvisation

November 2024 - Sept 2025 AMSTERDAM


5 Modules


Nov 1 - 3


January 31 - Feb 2

April 18 - 20

June 11 - 15

Sept 19 = 21

daily 10-18:00

Join us for a one-year program studying Contact improvisation and Somatics/ BMC. Combining these two opens up the body for full presence and aliveness.

We will bring together a group that moves through these somatic embodiments into dance starting in November 2024 and finishing in September 2025. Learning happens in community. Struggles, challenges, insights, experiences of “cracking the code” and freeing up possibilities will be supported and magnified by going on the journey together. 

Are you tired of cobblING together Workshops?

Join us for A year of moving your Contact dance and your embodiment of your anatomy AHEAD IN A cOHORT OF LIKE MINDED fOLKS - WITH SUPPORT, jOY, CURIOSITY, lEARNING, AND MUCH d a n c I n g.


YOu will receive a Certificate of Completing 150 h of somaticBODY credits, which qualify toward an Independent ISMETA Educator. For anyone completing this program, it will be possible to continue with Christine Cole and the Somatic Body offerings.

At this time we are hoping to provide Additional 75h to complete a 250h SomaticBODY & CI certificate.

 A Year of Somatic Learning - A Year of Dancing


The Journey

The living anatomy of our bodies, which enliven our contact dances and life in general. The program will open us to flow, spontaneity, presence, and bring grounding, alignment, and new skills.

These five modules unlock the cellular knowledge of various tissues in the body. This one-year program will help students embark on a path of continued research into movement and somatics and has the potential to bring about great changes. It informs your body, your life, and all other practices you do.

The Modules

We will meet four times for three days in Amsterdam, and in June we will meet outside of the city for five day intensive. 

  • Module 1:  2,  Location Meer en Vaart 290, Amsterdam

  • Module 2:  Fri Jan 31st - Sun Feb 2nd. Location Studio 239, Prinsengracht 239-M, Amsterdam

  • Module 3 : Fri Apr 18th - Sun Apr 20th. Location Studio 239, Prinsengracht 239-M, Amsterdam

  • Module 4: Jun 11th - June 15th 5 full days location TBD (outside of Amsterdam lodging not included in price)

  • Module 5: Fri Sept 19th - Sun Sept 21nd Location Studio 239, Prinsengracht 239-M, Amsterdam


Christine Cole

displays a radical trust in embodied experience as the primary way for groups to co-create knowledge.  She has taught at the school for Body-Mind Centering®, and runs her own trainings worldwide, currently in Russia, USA, Thailand, China and Israel. Christine has long term practices in contact improvisation, post-modern and improvisational dance, authentic movement, improvisational theater, writing, and voice.

SomaticBODY exists to re-ignite the amazing truth of the body, how we become the embryological and evolutionary beings we are. Radical trust in embodied experience is the primary way for groups to co-create knowledge.

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This is a terrific way for CI dancers, teachers of dance, or CI to add a wide breadth of new somatic information to your practice. These embodiment modules become toolkits for your personal warmup or teaching tools. This group is open to all with some experience in CI and will provide the ground for the expansion of your own dance and understanding of how the body is inspired to move.  

No previous experience with Somatics, yet a base in Contact Improvisation is required. If you are unsure if this Program is right for you, please contact us.


 Apply and Register



Thru Sept 15




Supporter PRICE

we have a few scholarships and WOrksstudies available -

For QUestions and inquiries Please contact


Why you might like to take this training if…


YOu Have a Desire, a deep wish, a passion for embodied learning

or frustration even anger with the non-embodied world. 

You want to put movement, touch and learning into the center of your work and life, or give it more value in what you are doing now in your personal and business life. We offer tons of time to recommit yourself to embodied learning, time for your body to move, rest, engage, receive and express itself truthfully; this is a process - We guide you through it.

You are Ready for Commitment: 

 Most of our students have many different short or long trainings under their belt, but are looking for one that allows them to bring it all together! These students are willing to make space in their lives, the time and have the willingness to shift. They may not know HOW they can change, or WHO they are below the layers, but they are more willing to go on an unknown path, than stay in stagnancy. 

You are looking for Credibility: A certification, a mentor.

You want Connection - a learning community, a tribe


You want the BODY, movement and touch, and find presence & clarity.


I want tools to learn about my own / or teach anatomy for movers

Somatic Body&CI trains students to become professional facilitators of embodiment, movement, perceptual and relational development. After running three SomaticBODY programs, we are seeing that our students indeed have a solid background and tools: Indeed they start their own practice and gather clients & students. Once you complete this program, you are qualified to apppply all 150 hours toward an independant application to join the International Somatic Movement Association - ISMETA and be recognized as a Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME) and Therapist (RSMT).

SomaticBODY& CI works as a 1 year cohort. We believe that is how learning works: in discourse, in a group. You will engage with people in your field that will play, explore, learn with you, and support you through the ups and downs of the training - your transformation. We will challenge you on a basis of trust and within the framework of somatics.

Well honestly, most of our time is in delicious learning of anatomy and developmental movement, in embryological origins of tissues,  in sourcing from moving authentically, and learning about being a good witness, being present. There is lots of time to dance, move, howl, sing, discuss, play and improvise. The systems approach and the developmental patterns provide a lens through which to assess groups and in private practice - You will leave with ample opportunities to APPLY these concepts.

This year is about setting up the ways to learn somatically ( which challenges some of your usual patterns, like the brain thinking it knows something before we do it),;It is about the experience. As such, it can be exciting, challenging, and disorienting.we also put embodied learning in a frame of pedagogy - so ou can learn how people learn - this is very freeing and exciting. 

Our students completely up their teaching game, add tools to their therapeutic practice, even create movement centers, teach dance, THey report that heir personal life blossoms, even affection their progress in seemingly unrelated jobs, like architecture, wilderness training, or running businesses. Many students find that their PRESENCE draws people to them, they recognize coherence, aliveness and trust.


I am confident that THIS YEAR is you can move from where you are at to a state of Inspired dance embodiment.

Brand NEW Cohort starting NOV 3, 2024 NEW! - with Christine Cole

Have you been cobbling together a rather great assortment of workshops, but have nowhere to bring it all together?

  • Are you hanging in there, but alone and struggling to find your embodied inspiration?

  • Are you incredibly creative, yet fail to implement what is most dear to your heart into your projects?

  • Do you have counseling practice, are a dance or Yoga instructor and want to offer more embodied tools and completely ravish with your presence, drawing many more people to you?


Past students have started new private practices, expanded theirs, opened Embodied Spaces, shifted their yoga community, or travel and teach,..


SOmaticbody intensive

This is your Time!!

This Somatic BODY process, honed over decades by Christine Cole, UNLOCKS your deepest most reverent, and wildest possibilities in embodiment, motion, and research. It makes your mind facile with this intelligence garnered in co-creative learning with the group, nature, and space.

You will be supported by our team and the inherent process, to re-emerge with the riches of well-earned skillsets, clear SomaticBODY systems, a body rich in knowledge; You will be released ready to ignite your practice with integrity and into a body rich in process, for your new life to unfold.

The SomaticBODY Team