Growing the fluid nervous system
22nd February 2019 4pm-7pm
23rd February 2019 9am-4pm
24th February 2019 9am-3pm
Tensegrity Studio, Sunshine Coast, AUS -
Friday : 'Introduction to the Fluid Nervous System'
Regaining the origins of our movement cycles throughout the time in the womb, underwater. will be the focus of this weekend workshop. Motion in water, this buoyant state, where the outside pressure matches our inside space, precedes our experience of gravity. Even our nervous system is still floating in the cranial-sacral fluid in our body. Feel more alive!
Saturday : 'Growing the fluid nervous system'
Millions of decisions are made before we have a nervous system: the motor of our embryonic development is based on pressure differentials, flow and cellular intelligence which unlocks the genetic tide of our becoming. Regaining the origins of our movement cycles throughout the time in the womb, underwater. will be the focus of this weekend workshop. Motion in water,this buoyant state, where the outside pressure matches our inside space, precedes our experience of gravity. Even our nervous system is still floating in the cranial-sacral fluid in our body. Rhythms of development, oscillations, tides of our body even now support our awake state of being present in the world, our consciousness. Join us for a deep dive into this state of embryo,of ocean, flow in motion for a weekend of information and experience of how the Nervous System can balance.
By integrating the two…......Sunday : ‘Fascia, Ligaments and Tensegrity’
How we interweave our movement and identity between the inner and outer world or How we interweave our identity between the inner and outer world. Our somatic understanding of fascia is a gateway to understanding self and space. Not only can we discover aliveness in our tensegrity, our inner guiding strength, we can also learn how to connect into the web of community. We will learn through movement, touch and discussion, how scientific-based information is embodied into experience and somatization. This is a movement and touch exploration class based on anatomical research We will explore how memory is laid out along fascial lines , surf our fascial memories and free ourselves in to new facial shaping to allow for new possibilities in our life.
$655 for all three days of tuition (Earlybird and DTAA members)
$690 for all three days of tuition (Registrations after 15 January 2019)
Friday only $150
Saturday only $300
Sunday only $300
This includes lunch on Saturday and Sunday and tea/coffee/snacks throughout the weekend.
For more details and to enrol now.....