Homework and Preparation for the Nervous System


 Prepare your Anatomy:

  1. LISTEN these  youtube videos: Start with some by   Rodolfo LLinas  - what do Brains do? How are Brains Structured? How do Brains act?

  2. WATCH: Go to NeuroGlial  Playlist. pick the ones you can learn from.  Choose other sources that you like and let us all know what you have found, HERE.

  3. Play with the Biodigital Human for true wild 3D (you can click and unclick bones/organs/muscles to see underneath structures or simpler: 3d Brain Model Online - You can move the model to see it from all kinds of angles. Click on pull down menu to choose which areas to focus on. This puts your 2D anatomy book in perspective.

  4. READ: I'm very excited about this great  opportunity to purchase a book, that is a great resource! I'm reading it  right now and its organizing all my questions into answers....

    Order the Book: The Users Guide to the Brain -  99 cents!! and still absolutely relevant! Perception - Integration.Movement, Memory, Emotion, Language, Social Behavior

  5. More Science Articles: Learning is the key to happiness,  MIT On pruning, Musclespindle and Central Nervous System, You are your Brain,  Brain learning throughout life, Mindful Movement cultivates Attention - one of the few scientific studies on somatic movement, Porges on Parasympathetic, Exercise Improves Brain Function, awesome detail photos of the nerves, glial cells and arteries/ venes, Gut-Microbes set circadian rhythm

  6. Lastly, Mark Taylor's Manuals are also available - he is offering all 10 for $100 or each one at $15 each - including the Nervous System 153 pages). These are  ebooks, so they are easily accessible. (BNP, Connective Tissue,Fluids, Muscles, Organs, Reflexes, S&P, Skeletal, Endocrine, Fluids. These are not required - but great resource, for this unit, providing much of the anatomy from a Body-Mind Movement point of view.

  7. Review and color the coloring book pages on the Nervous System! I suggest starting with pages 78,79,83,84,90 from the Anatomy Coloring Book, 4th edition ( Ascending paths, Descending Paths, Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerves, Sensory receptors)Also p128, 129 Respiratory System: External Nose & Sinuses and Dermis P. 16 -  then complete ALL  pages of the Nervous System - p13, p68- 93. 

  8. Research Partners: Partner up and prepare a certain area of the nervous system- to teach to the group

  9. Explore  .............either in dance or in a regular practice you do

  10. Stay connected with your folks!

  11. More Science Articles: Learning is the key to happiness,  MIT On pruning, Musclespindle and Central Nervous System, You are your Brain[MISSING],  Brain learning throughout life, Mindful Movement cultivates Attention - one of the few scientific studies on somatic movement, Porges on Parasympathetic, Exercise Improves Brain Function, awesome detail photos of the nerves, glial cells and arteries/ venes, Gut-Microbes set circadian rhythm  

  12. Literature List: additional/ non-required/ possibly cool
    The Human Brain, RIta Carter, DK, 2009
    A User's Guide to the Brain, John J. Ratey, M.D., Pantheon Books, 2001
    The Mind within the Net: Models of Learning, Thinking, and Acting, Manfred Spitzer, MIT Press, 1999
    i of the vortex: From Neurons to Self, Rodolfo R. Llinas, MIT Press, 2001
    Neuroscience (4th Ed.), Editors: Dale Purves, George Augustine, David Fitzpatrick, William Hall, Anothony-Samuel LaMantia, James McNamara, Leonard White, Sinauer Associates Inc, 2008

  13. Silly Brain Hat Printout, HERE in Black and White

through all this - follow your curiosity, make your own way, add in things that interest you........


  1. Investigate last months theme: ..........., take any one piece of information and play with it further: dance, teach, have a conversation, watch children move - Make a record of this: Photos, notes, video, comments, drawings, audio of your voice....Share this experience with one of your colleagues CALL THEM or VIDEO MEET. take additional notes - Send or bring report to Somatic Body Faculty.. post some part of it online for the group.

  2. Partnering Lab: You will spend ONE hour receiving as well as ONE hour offering attention and support or investigation of your ideas on ......................with a colleague: This may be a bodywork session, a movement exploration with may include verbal or artistic expression.

  3. Make at least three online posts ( a photo, an url, a source suggestion or a comment

  4. Make a google doc and learn how to link it to the Somatic Body files

  5. Respond to the invite to squarespace - Go to the website through SQUARESPACE, so you can edit your page on embodyourlife.com and share on the group Spine and Spinal webpages

Required Books:

  • Anatomy Coloring Book, Wynn Kapit, Lawrence M Elson, PH.D, 2013 ed.

  • Atlas of the Human Body, Frank Netter, 2006 ed. or later

  • Look on Alibris or Amazon (many $5 - $20)

  • Your favorite Anatomy Kinesiology reference


Highly recommended: 

  • Trail Guide to the Body and Workbook, Andrew Biel

  • Anatomy of Movement, Blandine Calais-Germain

  • Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Tortora, 2011 is fine

  • Sensing Feeling and Action, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, 2012, 3rd ed. - purchase from Contact Quarterly (has many changes to first edition)

***send all these to somaticbodytraining@gmail.com





Below is a play area for our further team work and play! you can also add images and links...soon!



I like the......

VIntage drawings....


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