


  • 1st video - watch without sound and notice how the outer tissues of the embryo relate to the uterine wall

  • 2nd video - at 3:40 you can see how fast the new heart is pumping!

  • Placenta video - midwife shows how the amniotic sac connects to the placenta - she is also just so relaxed!!

  • 4th video might inspire you to draw!!

  • 8 Medical Embryology - go to 13:25- 15:10 it shows the blood islands in the arch that becomes that heart that have not fused yet! then 17:40 on it shows the heart tube shifting to bend and wrap around itself. Don't worry about all the other details!!

Audio and Text

Watch out for how the embryo's system creates blood vessels, then connects these into veins and arteries to harvest nutrients from the tissues close to the mother's capillaries.

Then notice that it establishes blood vessels to feed on its own yolk sac, transforming this nourishment into cells, organs, tissues of its new body.  

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